Thursday, December 4, 2014

The complexity of the human race

To those that ask me what I am...

I don't know. I am Morgan. I was born in Illinois. My parents were born in Illinois. Regardless where I'm from or what I am my skin is brown.
My parents are educated, as am I, and it hasn't kept me from being pulled over.
Sat on the pavement. Searched
. Followed. Etc.

To assume that any two people in any culture are the same is simply impossible.

To assume that all blacks are capable of heinous crimes is preposterous.

I'm advocating for the complexity of the human race. Not by color gender socioeconomic etc but by humanity

While still understanding the issues we are dealing with right now are rooted in stereotypes. Racism and the idea that their is a cultural hierarchy.

Those that are committing these crimes. Killing innocent men believe that they are justified in their actions
1. Because the victims were black therefore they had to be up to something
2. They could get away with it

It's that simple. To them.

I am more complex than my race and the color of my skin. I have dreams, desires, hobbies etc that make me who and what I am. My race is but one facet of that but while we are killing those of my race simply because of their skin I will continue to advocate for a world in which we don't see color and tack on traits. We don't see race and assume the worst and judge. History, literally, keeps repeating itself. Over and over again. To be upset that we are upset is to say black lives don't matter. Human lives are expendable and the anyone can project their own personal Darwinism upon me. 

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